“Do You Eat When You’re Not Hungry?” is a visual examination of the asexual spectrum. Within this spectrum, I identify as demisexual. This means that I do not feel sexual attraction until I have a very strong emotional connection with someone. This makes it complicated for me to understand sexual expressions of others. In my photography projects, I try to explore different forms of sexuality and clarify them for both myself and the viewer. Now it is time to show what my form of sexual expression is, namely asexuality. A form that I understand, but others do not. 
Through metaphors, texts, conversations with people who are also within the asexual spectrum, self-portraits and still lifes, I take the viewer through the different layers of the asexual spectrum. From the search of loneliness and ignorance to the feeling of freedom, I answer my questions about asexuality and find a sense of self-acceptance.
Do you eat when you're not hungry? is made into a booklet. They are handmade and cost €38,15 excl. shipping. Interested? Let me know via the contact page or my Instagram!
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